Spiritual Coaching

Right there with you on your journey toward liberation, one story at a time.

What is Spiritual Coaching

Inspired Living

Think about the coaches you have had. They provide motivation, inspiration, and support. A good coach also challenges you to do your best and be your best. As your spiritual coach I will invite you go deeper into your spiritual life so that you are moving through life centering your highest ideals.

Relationship Building

Your spiritual growth is linked directly to deep, healthy, and meaningful relationships with yourself, the Divine, and the people in your life. I will coach you as you navigate these relationships, helping you find insight and set healthy boundaries.

Justice Centered

Are you wrestling with the life-long work of decolonizing yourself and challenging internalized oppressions? The spiritual coaching I provide focuses on liberation as spiritual practice with an emphasis on the idea that none of us are free until all of us are free. Our time together will be intentionally guided by rest, pleasure, and liberation theology.

Deep Listening

Everyone has a story, or many stories to tell. As your spiritual coach I provide deep listening so that you can find your voice in the midst of adversity and create a space so that you can tell your story.

Guided by Micah 6:8

Simply do justice, love kindness, and humbly walk with your God.

Who is Rev. Dayna

Justice Loving

I come from generations of labor and movement organizers. I bring their wisdom and experience to my ministry and coaching.

Mom of three

As a single-mom of three multi-racial children, I swim in the liminal space of both/and. Motherhood has challenged and invited me to find the Divine in the chaos of daily living.


The power of stories can change the world. I love telling stories, listening to stories, and helping people craft their stories into a beautiful tapestry of their own creation.

Tough Mudder

Twice per year I participate in a 5k muddy obstacle course. Each time I learn something new and each time I am reminded of the power of community, the presence of God in the mess, and the delight of play.


Get in touch.
The first session is free.