What is Spiritual Coaching and how is it different from therapy?

Think about the coaches you have had. They provide motivation, inspiration, and support. A good coach also challenges you to do your best and be your best. As your spiritual coach I will invite you go deeper into your spiritual life so that you are moving through life centering your highest ideals. I will not make any diagnoses and/or prescribe medications. Our time together will explore how your spiritual life can provide a strong foundation for living your daily life.

How much do you charge?

My rates start at $165/hour. I do hold a few openings at reduced rates for clients from marginalized groups. Everyone deserves a chance to go deeper

What are your qualifications as a spiritual coach?

I have a Master’s of Divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological Seminary and an Master’s of Arts in Education and Human Development from George Washington University. I have completed Clinical Pastoral Education through a College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy accredited program. Additionally, I have the experiences of life as a woman who grew up poor and a mom of three children with high needs.

How long are the sessions and how many sessions do I have to sign up for?

The spiritual coaching sessions are typically one hour. I ask that you sign up for a minimum of three sessions after our initial free 1/2 hour session, if we both agree to continue our work together. This allows us to establish a relationship and begin the work of going deeper.

What does a typical session look like?

Most sessions will be conducted virtually. You will receive a private Zoom link prior to the meeting. The sessions are flexible to meet your needs. Generally, we will start with a centering meditation and then sit with a guiding question. You can come with a question or I can provide a question. Then we will explore the question together using the spiritual tools that work best for you. We may talk, draw, write, sing, dance, or sit in silence.